Friday, July 5, 2013

Some Questions on a Class of Derived Axiom Sets

Define Σ as an abbreviation for CCpqCCqrCpr.

Suppose we have a logic L where all theses have the conditional C as their principal connective, the rules of modus ponens (more generally we could consider any rule of detachment... but modus ponens should suffice here) and uniform substitution, axiom set {α, ..., ω}, Σ is a thesis of L, and Cpp is a thesis of L. Since condensed detachment "D" is a derivable rule of a inference, it follows that

Theorem: {DΣ.α, ..., DΣ.ω, Cpp} is also an axiom set for L
(proof hint: DΣ.x exists, where x is any thesis, and D.DΣ.x.(Cpp) gives you...).

There exist plenty of corollary theorems also where the alternative axiom set gets obtained by the commuted variant of Σ; CCpqCCrpCrq (or CCqpCCpqCpr), or one of the simplest generalizations of Σ CCpqCCqrCCrsCps (Sorites), further generalizations of Σ than Sorites (e. g. CCpqCCqrCCrsCCstCpt) as well as commuted variants of Sorites and its generalizations, where a commuted variant V of a thesis T, means that we can obtain thesis V from T with the help of CCpCqrCqCpr and conversely.

Question 1: The theorem stated here clearly bears a relation to BCI logic. Does there exist a name for the theorem I've stated above?

I'll try and explain this as follows:

An example of how things work here to clarify the questions:
{1-CCpqCCqrCpr or Σ, 2-CCNppp, 3-CpCNpq} is a known axiom set for two-valued propositional calculus which satisfies independence. To make things clear, Cpp and the other axioms of {DΣ.α, ..., DΣ.ω} in this case can get derived as follows:

1 CCpqCCqrCpr axiom
2 CCNppp axiom
3 CpCNpq axiom
   1 q/CNpq * C3-4
4 CCCNpqrCpr (this is DΣ.3)
   4 q/p, r/p * C2-5
5 Cpp
   1 p/Cpq, q/CCqrCpr, r/s * C1-6
6 CCCCqrCprsCCpqs (this is DΣ.1)
   1 p/CNpp, q/p, r/q *C2-7
7 CCpqCCNppq (this is DΣ.2)

Now the theorem here tells us that {CCCCqrCprsCCpqs, CCpqCCNppq, CCNpqrCpr, Cpp} is also an axiom set for two-valued propositional calculus.

Proof: In this example case since each thesis got derived from the axioms of {1-CCpqCCqrCpr or Σ, 2-CCNppp, 3-CpCNpq}, we only need show that from {1'-CCCCqrCprsCCpqs, 2'-CCpqCCNppq, 3'-CCNpqrCpr, 4'-Cpp} we can derive each of the axioms of {1-CCpqCCqrCpr or Σ, 2-CCNppp, 3-CpCNpq} as follows.

1' CCCCqrCprsCCpqs axiom
2' CCpqCCNppq axiom
3' CCNpqrCpr axiom
4' Cpp axiom
    1' s/CCqrCpr * 4 p/CCqrCpr-1 
1 CCpqCCqrCpr
     2' q/p * 4-2
2 CCNppp
     3' r/CNpq * 4 p/CNpq-3
3 CpCNpq
Example of question 2: {1-CCpqCCqrCpr or Σ, 2-CCNppp, 3-CpCNpq} satisfies independence. So, does the set {CCCCqrCprsCCpqs, CCpqCCNppq, CCNpqrCpr} also satisfy independence? Added: Mace4 has given me 3 models which taken together indicate that {CCCCqrCprsCCpqs, CCpqCCNppq, CCNpqrCpr} satisfies independence.

Question 2 more generally: If the axioms {α, ..., ω} satisfy independence, will the axioms of {DΣ.α, ..., DΣ.ω} also satisfy independence? Will the theses belonging to the set obtained from {α, ..., ω} using generalizations of Σ, or commutated variants of those generalizations, or the commuted variant of Σ also satisfy independence?

To perhaps aid in comprehensibility, I'll present the following proof of the theorem above. I'll let letters in bold stand for metalinguistic variables:

Proof: First, all members of {DΣ.α, ..., DΣ.ω} will exist, since all members of the original postulate set {α, ..., ω} come as conditionals, and the antecedent of Σ comes as the conditional Cpq. Next, each instance of DΣ.k, where k belongs to {α, ..., ω} will come as the consequent of a substitution instance of Σ. So, we have a class of formulas of the form CC q rC p r where r does not appear as a subformula in q, nor does r appear as a subformula in p, since r did not appear in the antecedent of Σ. Thus, a unifier of Cpp and the antecedent of whatever formula we choose DΣ.k at a particular time will exist. The unifier will have form C q q. Consequently, D.DΣ.k.(Cpp) will have form C p q. This form matches the original form for k. Since k consisted of an arbitrary name for a variable belonging to {α, ..., ω}, it follows that {DΣ.α, ..., DΣ.ω, Cpp} will also qualify as an axiom set for the same logic.

It might come as some interest to note that this proof implies a uniform method to obtain an unending sequence of alternative postulate sets for a logic under certain conditions. The proofs of the corollaries will also give us another method. Using CpCqp in place of how Σ can get used also consists of another method of obtaining alternative axioms.